In reducing atherosclerosis and improving 59729-37-2 vascular function via attenuation of inflammation, oxidative stress and enhancement of cholesterol efflux. The time line of events of the treatment protocol was sketched as shown in Figure S1. One week before the end of the experiment, blood pressure and pulse were measured in conscious mice using a computerized non-invasive tail-cuff manometry system. Mean blood pressure and pulse were measured each day at the same time, by the same experienced operator for one week. All mice were firstly acclimated to the measurements for several days and then the parameters were determined as the average of measurement over 4 days. In addition, during each day, 10 acclimatization cycles were followed by 20 measurement cycles, which were collected to obtain the average values for blood pressure and pulse for each individual mouse for a particular day. At the end of the experiment, mice were fasted overnight and Intra-peritoneal glucose tolerance test was performed using previously described methods. Just before sacrifice blood will be procured under full isoflurane anesthesia by retro-orbital bleeding, followed by euthanasia. Plasma was collected after the whole blood centrifuging at 500 g, 4uC for 5 minutes. 100 ml plasma was used for profile of plasma lipoproteins by Cardiovascular Specialty Laboratories, Inc. Circulating cytokine levels were determined by Cytometric Bead Array. 50 ml Plasma was incubated with beads specific for interferon c, monocyte chemoattractant protein 1, interleukin 6, and IL-10 according to the manufacturer��s instructions. The total amount of cytokines was then determined using a BD LSR II instrument and analyzed by the BD CBA software. This work has multiple important findings that support a small molecule strategy to inhibit MPO, a protein that has been extensively implicated in atherosclerosis: Dietary administration with a small molecule inhibitor of MPO, INV-315 decreased atherosclerotic plaque burden and a reduction in inflammation. This was 537034-17-6 paralleled by improvements in endothelial function, decreased oxidative stress and nitrotyrosine formation. An effect on reduced activation of inflammatory cells was evidenced by inhibition of leukocyte adhesion acutely and by reduced CD11b + /Ly6Glow/7/4hi mon